Auteur (Maurice)

Issa Asgarally

Docteur en Linguistique de l’Université Paris V-René Descartes, Issa Asgarally était Professeur Associé au Mauritius Institute of Education. Il a écrit / édité une quinzaine de livres. Parmi les titres : « L’interculturel ou la […]

Les invités du festival

Sarita Boodhoo

Dr Mrs. Sarita Boodhoo is a well-known socio-cultural personality of Mauritius. Groomed in the Vedic way of life, she has devoted her life from a tender age to dedicated and pioneering work in the socio […]

Auteur (Inde)

Geetanjali Shree

Winner of the 2022 International Booker Prize, and of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation, for her novel, Tomb of Sand (Ret Samadhi in the Hindi original),  Geetanjali Shree is known for her innovative […]